A downloadable PowerPoint Video Game

In the events of this game only, not in the real world, legendary drafted-in Wrestle-Camper Adrianna Combas has been trapped in an underpaid, under-supportive, patient-malnourishing state-run mental-institution, and it is up to YOU to save her. Take control of her closest allies to break her out, shut the place down for good, and help Adrianna make it into "Wrestle Camp 3's first match in time!

(Wrestle Camp 3 coming in 2025!)


All non “JadeJohnson Industries™”, “JadeJohnson Films™”, “JadeJohnson Games™”, “JadeJohnson Mobile™”, and or “JadeJohnson Records™” trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.

The WWE logos, characters, wrestlers, moves, stories, Titantrons, entrances, themes, and other motifs are trademarks of World Wrestling Entertainment and its subsidiaries.

The developers of this game are in no way affiliated with the WWE. This is strictly a fan made oeuvre and is in no way trying to either pass as being backed by the WWE or gain the support of said faction.

This game is for entertainment purposes only, and JadeJohnson Games™ does not own any part of that which it did not create.

JadeJohnson Games™ is not responsible for any misconductive creations and or other actions by players, whether legal or illicit.

All trademarks of any other companies and or individuals besides those of JadeJohnson Games™ and its parent, affiliates, and subsidiaries are the sole property of their respective rightsholders.



Wrestle Camp 2 - English (IN), English (PR), English (US) 974 MB

Install instructions

Requires at least A top-Wattage NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU or faster, as well as X64 Windows Microsoft PowerPoint 2019, 2021, 365, or newer.  No Mac, Online, Mobile, or other-platform slash non-paid variant of the Microsoft Office Suite is supported.

Development log